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About Us

What is a Marine Mustang?

A Mustang is any Marine, after having served on active duty in the enlisted ranks of the United States Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve, has risen to the officer ranks, and further served as a commissioned or warrant officer on either active duty or reserves in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. The title of a Marine of this status is and shall evermore be...MUSTANG! "There is no honor greater than to be called 'Mustang'. You have long epitomized the warrior virtues of courage, devotion to duty, sacrifice and imaginative leadership." 


Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II

Our Story

The Marine Corps Mustang Association, Incorporated is a 501 (3c) nonprofit corporation founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 10 November 1985. The Association's founder was Captain Robert E. Richter, USMC (Deceased).


The Marine Corps and Mustang are synonymous; the history of the Mustang is woven tightly into the weave of the Corps. This weaving process began in 1898 when Congress authorized an additional 40 officers to be added to the Corps. The Report to the Secretary of the Navy does state that 3 of these 40 officers will be appointed from worthy non-commissioned officers from the Corps.


Since 1898, when the first three NCO's were commissioned, the obvious trait of the Mustang is that they are "go getter's" — Mustangs surfaced because of desire — not supernatural powers — they possess leadership qualities which rose to the top.


Mustangs have served honorably and faithfully in every battle where the Corps has flown its colors since 1898. We have served proudly as technicians of every skill, performed as "grunts," aviators, air- crewmen, administrators, supply/fiscal personnel, cooks, bakers and "double clutchers" etc. Mustangs distinguished themselves on the field of battle, in the classroom, on the college campus, on duty at the White House, in the halls of the Congress and in their daily routine at Posts and Stations throughout the world.

The first 38 years of our Association were focused upon information sharing, social gatherings, and interactions among members. The current leadership and Board of Directors of the organization have decided to expand the organization in a different course of service, leverage current technologies, and implement a regional structure for our members.

Our Profile

Our Leadership

Marine Corps Mustang Association Officers

Board of Directors

Marine Corps Emblum

Special Staff

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Directors Emeritus

  • CWO-4 Timothy Cook, USMC (Ret)

  • Maj John Darracott, USMC (Ret)

  • ​Maj Joseph Feathertson, USMC (Ret)

  • Gen Alfred Gray, USMC (Ret)*

  • 1stLt Ernest Johnson, USMC (Ret)

  • Gen Carl Mundy, USMC (Ret)*

  • Capt Robert Richter, USMC (Ret)* FOUNDER

Gen Alfred Gray Award Ribbons
Gen Carl Mundy Award Ribbons
Iwo Jima

*Denotes persons who have since passed away.

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